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9386 Congress Street Ext
Trumansburg, NY, 14886
United States


Edible Acres is a permaculture nursery and food forest farm located in Trumansburg, NY.  Focused on perennial, hardy, useful, edible and resilient plants, we use low and no tech solutions to grow out hundreds of different types of plants for our community and beyond!  We're excited to share what we do with you!


Bare Root Plants for Sale

Thank you for your interest and happy growing!

PLEASE READ: If you are local or regional to the Finger Lakes area (able to pick up in person), feel free to reach out to with a clear wish list of plants as an alternative to ordering here and we will work to arrange a pickup.

We update our offerings on March 1st for Spring bare root sales and September 1st for Fall bare root sales. If you are visiting this page and see all plants as sold out, please make a note in your calendar to revisit at our next ‘opening’ and pick up some lovely plants!

Our Fall offerings tend to have higher numbers of trees, shrubs, cuttings and a medley of our abundant and Fall appropriate herbaceous perennials. Spring will generally have more herbaceous perennials and grasses, and a smaller number of trees and shrubs. We weight our inventory in large part based on seasonal appropriateness for establishment. We hope you understand and visit again if you don’t find the plants you are looking for this time.

If you are super eager to get plants now, we now have a Permaculture Nursery page that lists friends of ours with ethical and thoughtful growing practices. We strongly encourage you to check them out and get some awesome plants from them too!

Please be aware that some plants are considered ‘illegal’ in some states. It is possible that some of our plants are not allowed to be planted where you live. If you are in doubt, you can search the plant and your state and see if it they are prohibited or ‘illegal’ to plant and if so please don’t order them. Thanks.

TIP: Use the tags above to help filter our offerings by characteristic (ie. click on ‘fruit’ to find any fruit bearing plants we offer, etc.) As we add more and more it is a helpful way to find a plant to fit your goals…


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sold out


from $12.00

Salix Spp…

We now offer a much wider range of willow options. We have basket making types as well as biomass producers, winter color eye catchers and more. Some of the willows we grow become very dense bushes, some will want to be full sized trees, and everywhere in between. Mainly what we are offering are dormant cuttings, in bundles of a minimum of 10 (although we almost always add more!) to get your plantings going quickly and economically. We have very economical bulk packs of many many cuttings for a little over $1 a piece and discount cuttings too (details below)

We also have limited numbers of rooted plants that are 1’ or taller and have a nice root system ready to go (choose ‘Rooted Willow’ from drop down to order)

To make our life easier with all the varieties we are working with, by default an order of cuttings will get you a mixed selection of curly willow, colorful willows, biomass and/or basket making willows. As a default they are not labeled but just a lovely mix of diversity. If you make a note at checkout that you are looking for specific types, specific varieties or want everything thoroughly labeled we can do that to the best of our ability. Keeping it simple as a base line helps us save time and energy which translates into way more cuttings for lovely folks out there! That said, we are super happy to take specific requests and work with them. You can indicate specific cultivar name(s) or describe application and use and we can work with you for sure!

Here is a partial list of the varieties we know we can offer cuttings from and some rooted plants…
Salix Purpurea ‘Oka’
Salix Purpurea ‘Packing Twine’
Salix Melanostachys
’Golden Curls’
Salix Koriyanagi
Japanese Fan Tail

Curly Willow, Corkscrew Willow, Snake Willow, Contorted Willow!… Many names. Incredibly unique plant. This willow grows with extreme vigor. We’ve seen it be able to be 6”+ in diameter and 15’ or taller within just 3 years from rooting as a cutting. We plant this variety extensively in our living walls, privacy fences, and as bio-filtering and biomass producing areas.

This willow would be worth growing if only for the ornamental value but you could consider planting it for very rapid carbon sequestration, fodder and feed for livestock, insanely fast growing biomass for chop and drop mulch applications, filtering of water ways, silt catch and erosion control, unique wood craft material (crazy spoons and beautiful handles) and potentially as rocket mass heater fuel if dried well.

We also offer an incredibly fast growing and disease resistant Hybrid Poplar called ‘OP 367’. This may be one of the fastest growing trees we’ve worked with, getting as tall as 30’ in 3 years after establishment. You can select cuttings of this type below.

Your purchase will provide you with 10 freshly harvested and super ready to root dormant hardwood cuttings. They will be between 6” and 12” depending on stock availability, and we often throw in a few extra to be sure you are happy and successful! You will receive a nice mix of types as a default to get some healthy diversity in your plantings, or you can request certain types at checkout and we’ll do what we can!

Bulk packs are available for 40+ cuttings of a wide diversity of types bundled together for a wonderfully broad range of colors, shapes, uses and more. Default is unlabeled, indicate your needs at checkout for detailed labeling.

‘Grade B’ cutting packs can be super economical ways to get things happening on a limited budget. Absolutely viable and alive but perhaps a little on the thinner side, maybe bent, maybe a ding or two, these cuttings are $1 a piece but we almost always pile in a bunch more. Save money, give a scrawny cutting a chance and ramp up lovely numbers!
- Please note that ‘grade b’ cutting packs can not include special requests for cultivars, etc. These packs are made in advance with a generous assortment of diversity. Thanks for your understanding!

Easy to root in a nursery bed for a year to then be transplanted out to a final planting spot, or ‘stuck’ right in position where you want it to grow (provided you offer a little TLC of mulch, some watering, weeding and protection in year one)

The ‘rooted willow’ option is a cutting that has been established in a nursery bed for a year already. These may have as much as 2’ of top growth and a well developed root system. They can easily grow as tall as you in their first year in the ground! We will pick the healthiest we have when assembling your order from a nice variety or please describe what you are looking for in the notes at checkout and we’ll see if we can match it (“please give me a basket willow” or “I’m looking for Curly willow”, etc.)

The video below provides easy instructions, or you can find ample info online on how to propagate willow from ‘dormant hardwood cuttings’ such as what we provide.

Very wide range from dense human scale shrubs to full sized trees

Site Preference:
Prefers full sun and enjoys very moist soils

Zone 5 or colder

Cuttings or Rooted Plant?:
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Video below shows willow cuttings coming into their 3rd growing season from just dormant stakes!