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9386 Congress Street Ext
Trumansburg, NY, 14886
United States


Edible Acres is a permaculture nursery and food forest farm located in Trumansburg, NY.  Focused on perennial, hardy, useful, edible and resilient plants, we use low and no tech solutions to grow out hundreds of different types of plants for our community and beyond!  We're excited to share what we do with you!


Rainwater Harvesting Workshop - Sunday August 7th 12pm to 3pm

Sean Dembrosky

What a summer!  Historic drought, soil baked and dry, very challenging.  Now, finally, some rains are coming, but they aren't enough to soak deeply back in yet.  Unless you have rain collection involved in your landscape to absorb and distribute...

Here at Edible Acres, we're proud to be committed to running the farm exclusively on rain water.  That's right, we haven't touched a well in 8 years of home gardening, nursery and propagation work, and expanding production over multiple acres!

If a nursery business can depend on rain water as its sole operating model, you can absolutely have it help supplement or even replace your well or city water demands for your gardening.

Lets show you how!

Come out to Edible Acres this upcoming Sunday, August 7th, from 12pm to 3pm for an in-depth tour and discussion on all the various low cost, low tech, easy to replicate and source solutions in play.  

We'll cover:
- Basic concepts of placement of containers
- Where to look and source 55gal drums as well as 275IBC totes
- Components and fittings / connectors / hoses and how to find them for very low cost
- Techniques for designing thoughtful overflow systems to send bonus water into the landscape
- Ways to connect multiple containers in series for huge storage
- Farming techniques that compliment the realities of turbulent growing seasons
- I'm sure much more!

COST: $20 to $30 sliding scale.  Limited spaces available so register in advance:


Email me with any questions:

PLEASE CARPOOL... PLEASE PLEASE!  Here is an incredibly easy way to do it - You come with 3 or more people in your car, you get a FREE PLANT! (Black Currant, Burr Oak, Chestnut, Serviceberry and more to choose from)