Plant Sale - Saturday May 7th 10am to 4pm
Sean Dembrosky
Come on out for our spring plant sale!
This Saturday May 7th from 10am until 4pm.
9408 Congress Street Extension, Trumansburg
See tons of beautiful early season perennial veggies, herbs and plants waking up and looking beautiful. Wander around Edible Acres and see our future U-Pick minor fruit orchard getting started, the gardens evolving and expanding and tons and tons of potted plants available. Lots of U-Pick shiitake mushrooms fruiting and ready to eat, not to mention our beautiful shiitake mushroom logs for you to bring home and grow your own! Literally all the layers of a food forest are available for you to plant where you live!
We'll also have our last chance sales of bare root trees on Saturday... Carpathian Walnut, Heartnut, Hybrid Chestnut, Schuttes White Oak, American Plum, Blue False Indigo Bush, White Pine... All available in numbers and discounted because they haven't been potted yet... Photos below...
Beautiful American Plum seedlings ready to be planted out with minimal fuss.
Locally sourced heartnut seedlings with massive roots ready for the big world!
People are STRONGLY encouraged to carpool to this and all Edible Acres events. We have limited parking and it's soooo important to be thoughtful on how we use fuel! Follow this link to make it easy as pie...
Check out a walking tour of what you can find on Saturday...