Plant Sale and Walking/Tasting Tour - This Sunday 5/31!
Sean Dembrosky
Please join us at Edible Acres this upcoming Sunday, May 31st from 10am to 4pm to pick up some of your favorite new plants and have a chance to see a highly diverse, resilient and densely planted perennial food and medicine system in action.
We'll have tons of Elderberries, Currants, Jostaberries, Cranberries, a wide selection of perennial vegetables, hardy and useful trees and much more available. All potted in our home made, ethical mix of locally sourced compost materials, waste wood chips and home made biochar. You get an ecosystem in your pot!
We'd love to have you wander the demonstration gardens, ask tons of questions, and get a chance to taste some of the interesting perennial veggies and snacks available this early in the growing season.
Please come on out, support your local permaculture nursery and head home with some amazing new plants to grow and learn about!
9408 Congress Street Extension, Trumansburg, NY: